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University Leaders Had an Inspection on the First Day of School

September 14, 2020    click:


September 7th is the first day of the 2020 fall semester of GDUT. In order to implement the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the fall semester, and to ensure the teaching schedules are on the rails under normalized epidemic prevention and control, Party Committee Secretary Hu Qintai, President Qiu Xueqing, Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Xiong Jing, and Vice President Du Chengming, Wang Chengyong and Yu Lin conducted comprehensive and detailed inspections on the teaching of the University Town campus, Dongfeng Road campus, Longdong campus, and Panyu campus. The heads of relevant departments such as the Academic Affairs Office, the Student Affairs Office, etc. attended the inspection.


On September 7th, there are a total of 688 classes,involving 363 courses and 495 teachers. The university leaders went deep into the classroom, and focused on the teachers and students’ attendance, preparation, health and epidemic prevention,  etc., and discussed with the relevant departments on how to effectively prevent and control the epidemic during the beginning of the semester and ensure the epidemic prevention work and normal teaching affairs. On the first day of school, the university’s epidemic protective measures were in place, the teaching were in order, the teachers arrived on time, the students were full of energy, various equipment was operating normally, the teaching services were implemented successfully, and the campus had fully restored normal teaching order.






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