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Academician Feng Peide Gave an Academic Report in GDUT

September 28, 2020    click:

On September 10, academician Feng Peide, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and aircraft navigation control expert, was invited to GDUT to give an academic report entitled "Autonomous navigation and intelligent control" for teachers and students. The meeting was presided over by Professor Chen Xin, director of State Key Laboratory of Precision Electronic Manufacturing Technology and Equipment. Teachers and students from School of Electromechanical Engineering, School of Automation, School of Information Engineering attended the meeting. Taking autonomous navigation and intelligent control as the theme, academician Feng Peide elaborated the importance of autonomous navigation. Feng Peide introduced the achievements of his team in intelligent control, such as multi purpose intelligent aircraft, unmanned underwater vehicle etc.                                                                          


After the report, the teachers and students had an exchange and discussion with Academician Feng Peide.


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