Report Title: Solid-State Energy Storage Batteries and Their Material and Interface Design
Reporter: Wen Zhaoyin, Researcher (Energy Materials Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Report Time: 2:00 ~ 3:00 PM, April 25, 2022,
Report Platform: Tencent Meeting, Meeting ID: 621-937-991
Inviter: Professor Rui Xianhong / School of Materials and Energy
To achieve the "dual carbon" goals and promote the development of renewable energy, large-capacity energy storage technologies, primarily lithium-ion batteries, have undergone rapid development. However, safety issues continue to hinder their commercialization and severely limit the enhancement of battery energy density. Lithium secondary batteries based on solid electrolyte design are currently a research focus and hot direction in the field of chemical power sources. Replacing flammable organic electrolytes with solid electrolytes can achieve intrinsic safety for lithium batteries while effectively improving their energy density. This report introduces several practical solid-state electrolyte lithium and sodium secondary batteries and their applications, analyzing the key materials, interface-related systems and designs, as well as battery technologies involved. Through materials and interface technologies such as composite, alloy and flexible materials, the electrochemical performance of solid-state batteries can be significantly improved.