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2018/03/21 10:39:34人浏览


二、团队研究方向:1、储能材料与器件;2、纳米结构碳材料; 3、低维材料与纳米器件;4. 光电功能材料与器件;5:多孔与催化材料




1:  Huifang Wei, Qiaoya Xi, Xi’an Chen*, Daying Guo, Feng Ding, Zhi Yang, Shun Wang, Juan Li, Shaoming Huang*,”Molybdenum carbide nanoparticles coated into the graphene wrapping N-doped porous carbon microspheres for highly efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution both in acidic and alkaline media”,  Adv. Sci. (2018,in press,DOI: 10.1002/advs.201700733). (IF=11.0)
2:  Zhang, Qi; Cui, Yuanjing*; Qian, guodong*, Goal-directed design of metal-organic frameworks for liquid-phase adsorption and separation, Coord. Chem. Rev., (2018, in press,DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2017.10.028) (IF=11.0)
3: Wuxing Hua, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Zhongyu Li, Jizhang Yang, Zeqing Guo, chunping Ruan, Xi’an Chen and Shaoming Huang*, ”Polysulfide-Scission Reagents to Highly Efficiently Suppress Shuttle Effect in Lithium-sulfur Battery", ACS Nano  11(2),2209-18 (2017) (IF=13.3)
4:  Ye Fan, Zhi Yang, Wuxing Hua, Dan Liu, Weiwei Lei*, Shaoming Huang and Ying Chen*,”Functionalized BN Nanosheets/graphene Interlayer for Fast and Long-Life Lithium–Sulfur Batteries”, Adv. Energy Mater., 7(13),162038 (2017) (IF=16.7).


5:  Yue, Xin,He, Chunyong,Zhong, Chengyong,Chen, Yuanping,Jiang, San, Ping,Shen, Pei, Kang*,”Fluorine-Doped and Partially Oxidized Tantalum Carbides as Nonprecious Metal Electrocatalysts for Methanol Oxidation Reaction in Acidic Media”,Adv. Mater., 28(11), 2163-9 (2016). (IF=21.2)

6: Qiran Cai, Srikanth Mateti, Takashi Taniguchi, Shaoming Huang, Ying Chen* and Lu Hua Li*, “Boron Nitride Nanosheets Enable Highly Sensitive and Reusable Substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55 (29), 8457-9 (2016) (IF=11.7)

7:  X.H. Rui, Y.X.Tang, O. Malyi, A. Gusak, Y.Y. Zhang, Z.Q. Niu, H.T. Tan, C. Persson, X.D. Chen, Z. Chen, Q.Y. Yan, “Ambient Dissolution-Recrystallization towards Large-Scale Preparation of V2O5 Nanobelts for High-Energy Battery Applications”, Nano Energy,  22, 583-93(2016)  (IF=12.3).
8: Wei Zhang, Yangtao Liu, Chaoji Chen, Zhen Li, Yunhui Huang, Xianluo Hu*, “Free-Standing Paper of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites as High-Performance Anode and Cathode Materials for Flexible Sodium-Ion Batteries”, Small, 2015, 13, 3822-9. (IF=9.6).
9.  Zhubing Xiao, Zhi Yang*, Lu Wang, Huagui Nie, Mei’e Zhong, Xiangju Xu, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang*, ”Lightweight TiO2/graphene Interlayer as a High Effective Polysulfide Absorbent for Fast, Long-Life Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”,  Adv. Mater., 27(18), 2891-8 (2015) (IF=21.2)
10:  X.H. Rui, W.P. Sun, C. Wu, Y. Yu* , Q.Y. Yan*, “An Advanced Sodium-Ion Battery Composed of Carbon Coated Na3V2(PO4)3 in Porous Graphene Network”,  Adv. Mater., 27(42), 6670-6676 (2015). (IF=21.2)


11: Xi’an Chen*, Xutao Ning, Zheng Liu, Chao Zou, Zhi Yang, Lijie Zhang, Xiaohua Chen, Shaoming Huang*, “Sulfur-impregnated Sandwich-type Hybrid Carbon Nanosheets with Hierarchical Porous Structure for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”, Adv. Energy Mater. , 4(13) , 1301988 (2014) (IF=17.2)

12:  Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhiping Jin, Zheng Liu, Huagui Nie, Xi’an, Shaoming Huang,* “A Facile and General Approach for the Direct Fabrication of Three-dimensional, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Array/Transition Metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe, Ti) Oxide Composites as Non-Pt Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions”, Adv. Mater., 26, 3156-61 (2014) (IF=21.2)

13: Xiaoping Yang, Richard A. Jones* and Shaoming Huang*, “Luminescent 4f and d-4f Polynuclear Complexes and Coordination Polymers with Flexible Salen-type Ligands”, Coord. Chem. Rev.273/274, 63-75 (2014)  (IF=13.0)

14: Dongpeng Yang, Siyun Ye, and Jianping Ge*, From Metastable Colloidal Crystalline Arrays to Fast Responsive Mechanochromic Photonic Gels: An Organic Gel for Deformation-Based Display Panels. Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 3197-205(2014) (IF=)

15: Yan-Qing Zhang, De-Kun Ma*, Yan-Ge Zhang, Wei Chen and Shao-Ming Huang*, “N-doped graphene quantum dots for TiO2-based photocatalysts and dye-sensitized solar cells”, Nano Energy, 2(5), 545-52 (2013) (IF=12.3)

16:Dongpeng Yang, Siyun Ye, and Jianping Ge*, “Solvent Wrapped Metastable Colloidal Crystals: Highly Mutable Colloidal Assemblies Sensitive to Weak External Disturbance”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 18370-6 (2013). (IF: 13.6)

17:X.H. Rui, X. X. Zhao, Z. Y. Lu, H. T. Tan, D. H. Sim, H. H. Hng, R. Yazami, T. M. Lim, Q. Y. Yan* , “Olivine-Type Nanosheets for Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes”, ACS Nano, 7(6), 5637-46 (2013) (IF=13.9)

18:Xiaoping Yang, Desmond Schipper, Richard A. Jones,*, Lauren A. Lytwak, Bradley J. Holliday*,and Shaoming Huang*, “Anion Dependant Self-Assembly of NIR Luminescent 24- and 32-metal Cd-Ln Complexes with Drum-like Archi-tectures”,   J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135 (23), 8468–71 (IF=13.6)

19:Fan, Nini; Yang, Yun*; Wang, Wenfang; Zhang, Lijie; Chen, Wei; Zou, Chao; Huang, Shaoming*, “Selective Etching Induces Selective Growth and Controlled Formation of Various Pt Nanostructures by Modifying Seed Surface Free Energy”,  ACS Nano,  6(5), 4072-82 (2012) (IF=13.9)

20Zhi Yang,* Zhen Yao, Guoyong Fang, Guifa Li, Hua-gui Nie, Xue-mei Zhou, Xi’an Chen, Shao-ming Huang*, “Sulfur-Doped Graphene as an Efficient Metal-free Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction”, ACS Nano ,6 (1), 205–211, (2012) (IF=13.9)




1黄少铭:国家自然科学基金面上项目:《单根单壁碳纳米管上自组装纳米金及其调控信号转换DNA电学生物传感器》 (51672193) (2017-2020)


3: 芮先宏:国家自然科学基金委青年基金:《纳米片状自组装结构Li3V2(PO4)3/C正极材料的超临界流体合成、机理及构效关系研究 (2017-2019)