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2015/05/13 11:34:10人浏览







(1) 国家自然科学基金(NSFC)-广东联合基金重点项目: 氧化物/碳复合电极材料及其容量型超级电容器的研究( U1401246)(2015.1-2018.12)


(3) 国家自然科学基金项目:基于高导热,高化学稳定,低密度纳米碳热界面材料的制备及其导热性能研究(No. 20971027),2010.1-2012.12



(6)广东省国际合作项目:高性能激光陶瓷材料关键技术的研发, 项目编号2013B051000077;2014.9-2016.12

(7)教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金”高性能纳米碳及其复合材料热传导行为的研究” 20094420110005,2010.1-2012.12

(8)广东省国际合作项目:电磁波材料和器件检测及应用技术联合研究中心的建立(No.2011B050300017) 2011.10-2013.12


(10)广东省自然科学基金重点项目“高性能纳米碳及其复合材料热传导行为的研究”(No.9251009001000006) 2010.1-2012.12

(11)广东省科技计划项目“纳米碳材料在染料敏化太阳能电池对电极中的应用技术”(2009B011100006) 2009.10-2011.12

(12) 广东省教育部产学研合作重大专项“高性能钛酸锂储能电池的关键技术及其产业化” (No.2010A090200063) 2010.12-2013.12(合作)

(13)广东省高等学校科技创新重点项目:锂离子动力电池纳米复合电极材料的研究, (12ZK0088), 2012.1-2014.12



(1)Wenguang Wang, Haiyan Zhang, Rong Wang, Ming Feng, Yiming Chen. Design of a TiO2 nanosheet/nanoparticle gradient film photoanode and its improved performance for dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, 6, 2390-2396, 2014.

(2)Haiyan Zhang, Jian Ye, Yipeng Ye, The effect of acid treatment on thermally exfoliated graphite oxide as electrode for supercapacitors , Electrochimica Acta, 2014,138:311-317

(3)Jian Ye, Haiyan Zhang, Yiming Chen, Zhengdong Cheng, Li Hu, Qiyan Ran, Supercapacitors Based on Low-Temperature Partially Exfoliated and Reduced Graphite Oxide,Journal of Power Sources,212,105-110, 2012

(4) Haiyan Zhang,Yuting Chen, Qingfeng Zhu, Guoqing Zhang, Yimin Chen,The Effects of carbon nanotubes on the hydrogen storage performance of the alloy electrode for high power Ni-MH batteries,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ,33,6704-6709, 2008

(5)Haiyan Zhang, Yuting Chen, Yiming Chen, Li4Ti5O12/CNTs composite anodematerial for large capacity and high rate lithium-ion batteries, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014, 39: 16096-16102

(6)Zidong Huang, Haiyan Zhang, Yiming Chen, Wenguang Wang, Yuting Chen, Yaobin Zhong, Microwave-assisted synthesis of functionalized graphene on Ni foam as electrodes for supercapacitor application, Electrochimica Acta, 108, 421-428,2013

(7)Haiyan Zhang, Yiming Chen, Yuting Chen, Shuangping Yi, Zhifeng Zeng, Haiyan Chen, and Xiaojuan Fu, Effect of Annealing on the Discharging Performance of Carbon Nanotubes for Nickel Hydrogen Secondary Battery Negative Material, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157( 11),A1164-A1169, 2010

(8)Haiyan Zhang, Qiguang Wu, Jin Lin, Jin Chen, and Zhuowen Xu, Thermal Conductivity of Polyethylene Glycol Nanofliuids Containing Carbon Coated Metal nanoparticles, Journal of Appl.Phys., 108, 124304, 2010

(9)Haiyan ZhangGuoxun Zeng, et al.Electromagnetic characteristic and microwave absorption properties of CNTs/epoxy composites in the frequency range from 2 to 6 GHz, Journal of Appl.Phys., 105, 054314, 2009

(10) Yue Chen, Haiyan Zhang, Region-specific growth of TiO2 nanotube arrays by anodization, Materials Letters, 109 (2013) 5–7

(11)Leifei Qiu,Haiyan Zhang , , Wenguang Wang, Yiming Chen,Effects of hydrazine hydrate treatment on the performance of reduced graphene oxide film as counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Surface Science ,319 (2014) 339–343.

(12) Lin Jin, Zhang Haiyan, Li Ping, Yi Xijiang, Low Aikseng,The accelerated de-dispersion and sedimentation behaviours of multi walled carbon nanotube suspensions using surfactants,Materials Chemistry and Physics,142,667-676,2013

(13) Yiming Chen, Zidong Huang, Haiyan Zhang, Zhengdong Cheng,The synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Graphene/Nickel oxide Composite as supercapacitor electrode,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014, 39: 16171-16178

(14)Haiyan Zhang, Wenguang Wang, Hui Liu, Rong Wang, Yiming Chen, Zhiwei Wang, Effects of TiO2 film thickness on photovoltaic properties of dye-sensitized solar cell and its enhanced performance by graphene combination, Materials Research Bulletin, 49, 126-131,2014

(15)Lin Jin, Zhang Haiyan, Li Ping, Yin Xijiang, and Zeng Guoxun,The Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of A Low Cost and Transparent Stainless Steel Fiber/Silicone Resin Composite. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2014, 56 (2): 328-334

(16)JinLin,HaiyanZhang,"A Thermally Conductive Silica-gel-matrix Composite with Carbon-encapsulated Copper Nanoparticles as the Filler", Journal of Electronic Materials, 43(7), 2759-2769,2014

(17) Yipeng Ye, Haiyan Zhang, Yiming Chen, Peng Deng, Zhikun Huang, Liying Liu, Yannan Qian, Yunyong Li, Qingyu Li. Core-shell structure carbon coated ferric oxide (Fe2O3@C) nanoparticles for supercapacitors with superior electrochemical performance. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 639: 422-427.

(18)Peng Deng, Haiyan Zhang*, ,Yiming Chen, Zhenghui Li, Zhikun Huang, Xingfa Xu,Yunyong Li, Zhicong Shi,Facile fabrication of graphene/nickel oxide composite with superior supercapacitance performance by using alcohols-reduced graphene as substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.04.165

(19)Q. Wu; H. Zhang; M. Chen; Y. Zhang; J. Huang; Z. Xu; W. Wang, Preparation of carbon-coated iron nanofluid and its application in radiofrequency ablation. J. Biomed Mater. Res. Part B , DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33275.

(20)Chuchun Zheng, Chunhua He,Haiyan Zhang, TiO2 @ reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for high-rate application of lithium ion batteries ,Ionics, 2015, 21(1): 51-58

(21) Jin Lin, Haiyan Zhang, Muyao Tang,Wenying Tu & Xiubin Zhang,Improved thermal property of a multilayered graphite nanoplatelets filled silicone resin composite, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1356-2

(22)Haiyan Zhang, Yuting Chen, Chuchun Zheng,Enhancement of the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/carbon nanotubes composite electrode for Li-ion batteries, Ionics, DOI: 10.1007/s11581-014-1354-2

(23)Hong, Haoqun; Liao, Haiyang; Zhang, Haiyan; He, Hui; Liu, Tao; Jia, Demin,Significant improvement in performance of recycled polyethylene/wood flour composites by synergistic compatibilization at multi-scale interfaces , Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 64, 90-98, 2014.

(24)Xiubin Zhang, Haiyan Zhang, Jin Lin, Liping Li and QiguangWu, Thermal conductivity and thermal stability enhancement of ethylene propylene diene methylene with carbon nanotube,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2014,33(8) 767–774

3、知识产权:(1)国家发明专利“一种碳包铝复合纳米填料导热硅橡胶复合材料的制备方法”(ZL: 200910192629.X )

(2) 国家发明专利“合成碳包铁磁性金属纳米粒子的石墨电弧放电方法” (ZL.01127718.1)

(3) 国家发明专利“用微米级储氢合金催化剂制备碳纳米管的方法” (ZL:0310111770.5)

(4) 国家发明专利“一种碳纳米管复合微波吸收剂及其制备方法”(ZL:0410050918.3)

(5) 国家发明专利“一种复合导电填料-镀银Fe3O4粉及其制备方法”(ZL 200710026693.1)

(6) 国家发明专利”一种碳纳米复合镍氢动力电池负极极片的制备方法以及应用” ZL 200710030263.7

(7) 国家发明专利“一种纳米晶超细合金粉电磁波吸收剂及其制备方法”( ZL.200810028925.1)

(8) 国家发明专利“一种掺杂碳纳米管钛酸锂复合电极材料的制备方法”( ZL 201010028259.1)

(9) 国家发明专利“一种碳纳米管镀银丙烯酸系电磁屏蔽涂料的制备方法(ZL.201010505816.1)

(10) 国家发明专利“一种使用玻璃纤维网作为支撑结构的导热贴片的制备方法( ZL 201010562456.9)

(11)国家发明专利“一种用多层石墨作为导热填料的高导热复合塑料的制备方法” (ZL 201110377171.2)

4、获奖:“碳C60相关材料的研究” 1999年获广东省自然科学奖二等奖