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2017/05/19 14:33:14人浏览

报告题目:Carbon Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Energy Saving and Thermal Management
主讲人:L. James Lee
时间: 2017-5-22 上午9:00 am


   Prof. Lee是美国俄亥俄州立大学化学与生物分子工程学院Helen C.Kurtz教授,博士生导师。他在俄亥俄州立大学分别创立并领导了NSF先进聚合物和复合材料工程中心(CAPCE)(1997年-2007年)、NSF纳米科学与工程中心的可负担聚合物纳米工程生物医学设备(CANPBD)(2004年-2015年)、俄亥俄州多功能聚合物纳米材料和设备中心(CMPND)(2005年-2013年)。他获得国立台湾大学化学工程学士学位、美国明尼苏达大学化学工程博士学位。在1982年加入美国俄亥俄州立大学之前,他在通用轮胎橡胶公司(General Tire and Rubber Company)任职3年担任研究员。主要研究方向为石墨烯,纳米碳纸,聚合物复合材料加工,微纳米材料制备与构建,生物微机电系统/纳米机电系统。目前共出版15本图书,授权35项美国专利,发表400多篇SCI论文(在Nature Nanotechnology、Advanced Materials、PNAS、Nano Letters、ACS Nano等顶级期刊发表多篇学术论文),是美国塑料工程师学会会士、美国医学和生物工程学会会士,曾获2008年美国化学研究委员会的Maloolm E.Pruitt奖、2008年美国工程/科技奖、2010年塑料工程师学会国际奖和2016年先进成型技术学会终身成就奖等。 Prof. Lee目前领导4个博士生,12个博士后研究人员和2个访问学者工作基于聚合物和生物材料微/纳米技术对碳纳米材料对汽车、航空航天、电子、能源和基础设施应用,药物/基因传递,疾病诊断,为再生医学和细胞重新编程。

       Dr. Lee is the Helen C. Kurtz Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The Ohio State University (OSU). He founded and led the NSF Center for Advanced Polymer and Composite Engineering (CAPCE) from 1997 to 2007, NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymer Biomedical Devices (CANPBD) from 2004 to 2015, and Ohio Center for Multifunctional Polymer Nanomaterials and Devices (CMPND) from 2005 to 2013 at OSU. He received a BS degree in chemical engineering from National Taiwan University and a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from University of Minnesota. Before joining The Ohio State University in 1982, he worked as a research scientist at General Tire and Rubber Company for 3 years. His research interest includes polymer and composite processing, micro-/nanofabrication, and BioMEMS/NEMS. He has more than 400 refereed journal publications, 35 patents and pending patents, and 15 book chapters. He was elected as the Fellow of Society of Plastics Engineers in 2001 and Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering in 2006. Dr. Lee received the 2008 Malcolm E. Pruitt Award from Council of Chemical Research, 2008 Engineering/Technology Award and 2010 International Award from the Society of Plastic Engineers. Dr. Lee currently leads 4 PhD students, 12 post-doc researchers and 2 visiting scholars working on polymers and biomaterials based micro/nanotechnologies for carbon nanomaterials for automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy and infrastructure applications, drug/gene delivery, disease diagnosis, and cell reprogramming for regenerative medicine.
Dr. Lee will present our research work in using carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, graphene and other carbon nanomaterials for polymeric foams, polymeric composites and polymer molding in light-weight and thermal management applications.